Yet Another Linux/Tech Blog - mostly my notes though

MicroOS for DevOps and automation

My talk took place at openSUSE.Asia Virtual Summit 2021 August 08, 2021. During this talk I was sharing some information as how we at are utilizing GitlabCI, Ansible and MicroOS to achive some DevOpsie automation to make our life a lot easier. Enjoy! (click pic) Note: The pipeline has a bug cause I mixed zypper and apt, but it is fixed in the slides in my Github repo…
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Podman checkpoint/restore on btrfs

Podman Checkpoint/Restore in Userspace Recently I was migrating our entire Podman infra to a new, bigger server, roughly ~180 container. Most of our things are running in pods which are fairly easy to migrate, just podman generate kube --filename xyz.yml xyz-pod, clean up the yml a bit and on the new server I just play it with podman play xyz.yml. Done, pod migrated. On the other hand we have a few containers that are running outside of pods and was interested how lazy I can get with those using Podman.…
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Podman quick start

What is Podman Podman is a a daemonless, open-source tool to manage, deploy and build application containers. Podman is using Open Containers Initiative (OCI) Containers and container images, which means that containers crated with/for Docker or CRI-o will work with Podman as well and vice versa. It is coming with a command line interface (CLI) which offers pretty much the same commands like Docker does. How similar are Podman commands to Docker’s?…
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Syncing a fork with upstream

Getting started By now you’re probably familiar with git. Git is a popular distributed version control system with which people can collaborate on pretty much anything that you can/want to version control and collaborate on. This can be source code, documentation, automation scripts, anything really. To work on a project with others, one would generally create a fork of the main repository where the code, it’s branches and issues are being stored at.…
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Initial Commit

Purpose First of all this a GNU/Linux - and mostly openSUSE - focused technical blog with a bunch of know-how, tools, personal recommendations. Recently had this realization that the content I’m keeping in my QOwnNotes would be a little bit more valuable if… would be available publicly, would be DDG/Google searchable, ..I could just link to it when I’m helping others AkA “laziness”. Being active in different communities, I run into a lot of repeated questions.…
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